The Omani Unified Bureau is a regional bureau that deals with Orange Card affairs, a document that provides insurance coverage for vehicles traveling between Arab countries and members of the Orange Card Agreement for vehicle transit across Arab countries. This agreement was established and endorsed by Arab leaders who signed it in 1975 in Tunisia.
Omani unified bureau for the orange card has been established according to the unified insurance card agreement for vehicles crossing the Arab countries which has been signed on 26/4/1975 in the League of Arab States location, Sultanate of Oman has joined this agreement on 11/7/1977 by issuing the royal decree number 50/77 and the agreement of establishing the regional unified office between the funder insurance companies..
A group of insurance companies operating in the Sultanate of Oman established the bureau in 2007 . Seven companies participated in the establishment of this bureau, with equal capital distribution among them. The Omani Orange Card Bureau commenced the issuance of cards and claims processing in 2008. Since then, the bureau has been diligently working to overcome any difficulties faced by cardholders. It also receives claims and settles the value of accidents related to the card, collaborating and coordinating with counterpart Arab bureaus and relevant insurance companies.